File court documents anytime, anywhere with Odyssey eFileMaine
Our Services

Maine courts are transitioning to electronic filing (eFiling), part of the Judicial Branch’s new case management and court record storage system. eFiling will provide easier online access to electronic court documents, data, and access to justice for attorneys, parties, and all court users.
- 24/7 access to eFileMaine
- Instant access to accepted eFiled documents
- Electronic service of parties who have opted for eFiling
- Online tracking by email for fast and easy verification
- Payment of court filing fees online
- Online access to many public court records
- Online help for self-represented parties to submit documents and eFile in certain types of cases through Maine Guide & File
eFiling will be phased in by court and judicial region beginning in the Fall of 2020. All courts in all regions are projected to be online by the end of 2022.
Sign up for news and updates about eFiling at